Preventing Introductions
You can help prevent introductions of aquatic invasive species! Remember RIDNIS:
Replant with native species where possible when landscaping or building an ornamental pond. Do not assume something is native because you have seen it in your area. Contact your local nursery for information or visit the California Invasive Plant Council website at
Inspect the sides and hull of your boat, and your boat motor propeller and boat trailer for attached plants or animals and remove them so you do not carry them to a new location. Place all organisms in a trash bin, not back into the water. Even small fragments of some plants can start new invasions.
Dispose of unused bait, seaweed, or other live bait packing materials in a lined garbage can, not into the Bay, streams, lakes or other bodies of water.
No dumping into the Bay! Do not release aquarium animals or plants into storm drains, streams, lakes, bays or the ocean. Return them to a pet shop for resale or donate them to a school, nursing home or hospital, or if necessary, place them in your home freezer for 24 hours to humanely dispose of them, and then bag them for trash removal.
Instruct friends, family and others to keep the San Francisco Bay-Delta free of aquatic invaders!
Stop intentional releases, especially the release of live organisms to establish a new fishery or for "humane" reasons.
Other suggestions:
Learn to identify species that are regionally and federally prohibited or restricted and don't purchase them.
Verify the name of aquatic plants and animals you buy (genus and species) since common names frequently cause confusion as to the organisms true identity.
Do not send or order potentially harmful plants or animals through the mail.
Avoid disturbing natural areas. Disturbance may allow non-native species to spread in these areas.
Notify your local agricultural commissioner or Susan Ellis, Invasive Species Coordinator, California Department of Fish and Game at to report a plant or animal that you do not recognize. To report mitten crabs visit You may help prevent a new invasion!
Ballast water is a major pathway of NIS introductions. Visit the West Coast Ballast Outreach Project website at or contact Karen Hart McDowell at (510) 622-2398 for more information.
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*RIDNIS Project Disposal of Organisms Page, September 2003 - September 2005
(*Reducing the Introduction and Distribution of Aquatic Non-Native Invasive Species through Outreach & Education)
University of California Cooperative Extension, Department of Environmental Science and Policy
Website maintained by Kelly Torres ( project is funded by the CBDA California Bay-Delta Authority in cooperation with the University of California Cooperative Extension. ![]()