Workshop Information
Other Workshops, Meetings, and Conferences pertaining to NIS:
December 1, 2000 The first workshop was held at the Elihu M. Harris State Building, 1515 Clay Street, Oakland, California. For a summary of the workshop click here. To view pictures from the workshop click here. May 8, 2001
The San Francisco Urban PerspectiveThe second workshop was held at the Holiday Inn San Mateo/Airport Area, San Mateo, CA. For agenda information click here. For a summary of the workshop click here.
Invited participants included members from aquarium and pet trades including large discount outlets and independent aquarium hobbyists, aquaculturists and live seafood importers including ethnic seafood distributors as well as members of academia, regulatory agencies, and others concerned with reducing unwanted introductions of aquatic species in the San Francisco Bay-Delta.
October 22, 2001
The Delta PerspectiveThe third workshop was held at the DANR Cooperative Extension Auditorium, Stockton, CA. Invited participants included representatives from the live bait, recreational boating and fishing, landscape/aquascape and nursery industries and regulatory agencies. To see the agenda click here. Workshop 4 Meetings Overview
March 2003 Meeting Summary
November 2002 Meeting SummaryMaster Gardener Workshop, April 2005 As a mostly "hands on" workshop with live specimens to view, these handouts were available for the audience.
Workshop Outline
Regulated Animals List
Regulated Plant List
Aquarium Industry Workshop, Monterey Bay Aquarium, May 2005 Held in Monterey, California at the Marriott Hotel's San Carlos room this workshop had good results. You can access the workshop summary and list of recommendations here.
Speakers-meeting summary
Recommended Voluntary Guidelines
Aquatic Horticulture Workshop,
U.C. Berkeley Botanaical Gardens,
November 7, 2005The Aquatic Horticulture Workshop held at the U.C. Berkeley Botanical Gardens was a success. The meeting summary notes and a list of recommendations can be accessed here.
Meeting summary
Recommended Voluntary Guidelines
International Caulerpa taxifolia Conference
January 31-February 1, 2002
San Diego, California (USA)University of California Cooperative Extension, with support from the California Department of Fish and Game, the California Sea Grant College Program, and the Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force hosted an International Conference on Caulerpa taxifolia. The conference included speakers from across the globe with the goal of fostering scientific collaboration and information exchange in order to develop research, management, and education priorities for this important and problematic species. For agenda information click here.
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Project Workshop Page, September 2003 - September 2005 (*Reducing the Introduction and Distribution of Aquatic Non-Native Invasive Species through Outreach & Education) University of California Cooperative Extension, Department of Environmental Science and Policy |
This project is funded by the CBDA California Bay-Delta Authority in cooperation with the University of California Cooperative Extension. | ||
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